This curry is a firm family favourite – possibly the most-cooked dish is our house. It’s developed over time and is liable to change dependent on what’s in the fridge. (No beans? Add spinach or broccoli. No squash? Sweet potatoes work well too).
The joy of this Butternut Squash and Bean Curry is that it ticks the Holy Trinity: quick, cheap, comforting. I made a double-batch when photographing this recipe, and am already excited by the portions I’ve put in the freezer.
A couple of notes. Firstly, the Daal Blend – here, it’s used like a Garam Masala. It contains a lot of Amchur (dried mango powder) so it brings a real brightness to the dish. The fresh red chilli and Kashmiri chill are both optional (I leave them out if cooking for my toddler), but they’re welcome additions if it’s for grown-ups only.