Calling this recipe a sausage roll feels a little like underselling it. The Arabic name for this dish is lahmbajine, a meat bread made in different guises everywhere all over Lebanon. I discovered this version in Saida. Down one of the city’s many narrow stone alleyways in the souk, a wonderful old man had a tiny bakery, only an oven in an arch really, where he displayed these moreish snacks on rustic wooden trays. I devoured several of them, piping hot from the oven. Heavy with tart sumac and with the crispest pastry, they had such an interesting flavour. I know I would be scolded for doing so, but I find using shop-bought, ready-rolled puff pastry gives the perfect texture.

Dover Sole in House Blend Butter
‘House Blend Butter’ are three very happy words to sit alongside each other. Round BBQ season, we bring a pat of butter to room temperature