Can you still call it an ‘Indian Summer’ when temperatures soared 10°C above Mumbai? On the hottest day ever on record, we headed to The Chelsea Physic Gardens, where the climate seemed right to be talking spices with Meera Sodha.
The sold-out event was hosted by Tenderstem, who we have collaborated with to make a Brassica Blend. We were speaking on a panel alongside Guardian columnist, Meera Sodha, and Michael Holland, head of education at Chelsea Physic Garden.
Forums like this always throw up such interesting information – Meera talked about fennel being 13 times sweeter than sugar, how it makes a cooling drink (saunf sharbat) and sensational ice cream (she has a strawberry and fennel kulfi recipe online).
We hope we brought something to the party, discussing how to differentiate quality spices from poor spices. Having tasted quite so many over the past couple of years, we know to look for a bright pepperiness from turmeric (not singular bitterness), a citric pop from fresh coriander seeds and a gentle, fruity heat from Kashmiri Chilli.
The night finished with a dinner of Meera Sodha’s Maharani salad, featuring our Brassica Blend, sensational!